The virgin of El Rocío was intersex.
[Translated by Traducción Sol]
We have been shouting this out in the streets for a while: ¡la virgen del Rocío, era un tío! [the virgin of El Rocío was a guy!]. Well, we were wrong. In fact, it only was half the truth. Recently, some inquiries by the International Commission of Experts in History of Hetero-Family Rites and Superstitions have clarified the mystery, once and for all. The myth of the virgin mother, in our catholic folklore and in many other religions, talks about the very same event: the self-fertilization of a woman who never met a man. Like many other implausible biblic stories which have been explained nowadays in the light of science (from the destruction of our sacred Sodom to the rain of frogs), we can finally disclose the mystery of the immaculate conception: the virgin was intersex.
Her sacred gonads had as much ovarian as testicular tissues. That is why she could self-fertilize to gestate the embryo of Jesus baby. Thanks to being well known by everybody that the marriage between Joseph and the intersex virgin was a cover to the famous leanings of the first one to the chubby pastors of Bethlehem, there was no wonder at all that Mary was both mother and father of the baby. Furthermore, in the region it was obvious that the virgin was totally into deflowering the virgins of the town with her powerful clitopenis, and that she never went to bed with a man. The fame of the sacred family -he: a poof, she: an irrepressible intersex dyke- was quickly expanded all over the region, and the rest is history.
Two millennium something later, the Queer Assembly goes out to the streets to rebel against the shameless swindle the Church has been submiting us to for generations. The irrational heterosexualization of the conception of Jesus, by means of Gabriel the angel, turns our stomachs. That is why, this year in the streets, we will stand up to the myth of the annunciation, to the turkeys, to Inditex, to the Bishop’s Conference and to anyone who tries to hide this open secret. Just as the earth goes around the Sun, whether they like it or not, the virgin of El Rocío self-managed her pregnancy.
Queer people of the world, we have lost this year, once again, our innocence. During these heterochristmas, we won’t go shopping: we will take the streets to have a walk with our indignation, to claim jobs for everyone and warn those who govern us that we are still here, that we won’t accept their lies, nor their budget cuts, nor their parties. If we make any presents, we will get trucks for girls, dolls to boys and fair trade dildos to our friends. Come all of you to express the good news with us in the outraged cavalcade on December, 28th: the three wise men are the mothers and the nuclear family is a big radioactive lie.
Against the imposed badfare state, evident anal pleasure.
Madrid, 23rd December 2011
Queer Assembly from Sol
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