Hello Squares,
Maybe some of you know the big event that is being organized in Athens 7-8 of June, the Alter Summit www.altersummit.eu
This effort is trying to build a big alliance of European trade unions, civil society organizations and social movements in order to create a counter-power that confronts the neoliberal Europe.
Despite of the fact that the involvement of Trade Unions makes difficult the creation of an open process, some organizations:
The Transnational Institute (TNI) and Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO),
are initiating an open process to prepare an Assembly on June 7th in Athens on the area of Economic governance & the Troika.
We would like to invite you to participate in the preparation of this Assembly which we propose to kick start with a Conference call on Monday afternoon May 6th. The objective with the call is to make sure we have a proposal for a preparatory meeting in Zagreb 10-11. May.
We attach a doodle to determine the most suitable time. http://doodle.com/ymkvtygpnb85cu5q
To join the meeting call Spain +34 911142105, then enter the Pin Code 94894164.
For the agenda of this Tel Conference, we are suggesting to discuss the following:
> What objectives and aims for the Assembly?
> What title for the Assembly?
> What Format for the assembly?
> What Methodology for the Assembly?
> Which logistics/resources we need for the Assembly?
Please share also other points you have for the agenda.
We propose to do the call via Tel Conference. This system costs will at local call price, the details to connect will be provided.
We hope you will be able to participate in this preparatory process – even if you might not be going to Athens – as we believe the preparation will be quite important in achieving a good outcome in Athens and for a greater convergence of European movements and struggles for the rest of 2013 and beyond.
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