October 12: Nothing to celebrate 2018
For those who defend the Earth and Human Rights
For the seventh consecutive year we are in Madrid, the Assembly Plaza de los Pueblos 15M and the Preparatory Assembly of ArtEvento “Descolonicémonos: October 12, Nothing to celebrate” to invite all assemblies, groups, organizations, cultural groups and people to join to this initiative.
This is a space for the recognition of the sovereignty and rights of all the peoples of the world that have been or continue to be colonized. We support the different actions that are carried out to demand the freedom of peoples, as well as respect for their history and culture. We make a determined call for the respect and preservation of diversity in all its forms and for the defense of life.
October 12 represents the beginning of a process of violent cultural, political and military imposition, which includes the extermination and slavery of millions of people. In Spain, the celebration of October 12 as a national holiday, has its origin in the Franco regime, and therefore must be revised, like any other symbol inherited from this painful stage of the history of this country. This commemoration is in itself an act of symbolic violence that hinders and diminishes the coexistence of diverse peoples inside and outside of Spanish territory, reinforcing an identity based on the imposition of a unique, Eurocentric culture, onto the great range of territories, peoples and communities colonized.
In the name of civilization, of the Catholic religion and of the Spanish crown, economic, political, social and cultural structures with racist, chauvinist, patriarchal and homophobic characteristics were established. These are still maintained today and in many aspects, are the basis of inequalities, social conflicts, violations of human rights and the vulnerability of indigenous peoples.
The process of colonization is not a fact of the past, it is still maintained today, with different actors, including multinationals and the media. Under the deceptive alibi of an alleged “development”, based in reality on a failed model in financial, ecological, social justice and gender terms, the main sources of life on our planet are destroyed, generating extreme poverty and miserable working conditions.
Colonization is reinvented with discriminatory global policies that do not include the different ways of thinking and feeling of the original peoples, and that impede the circulation of people, especially those that come precisely from the colonized territories.
These new forms of colonization generate interference of all kinds against the sovereignty of the people: illegitimate debts, wars, apartheid, genocides, enslaving trade agreements, impositions of gender models, slavery and forced displacements, causing thousands of people to be forced to abandon their countries of origin, fleeing from death and hunger.
Racism is institutionalized, with immigration laws that violate human rights, and that consider migrants as “illegal” and without rights, persecuted by state security forces and imprisoned in Foreigners’ Detention Centers (CIE).
In America, as well as in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, the indigenous peoples continue in resistance defending life, communal good living or Sumak Qamaña, preserving ecological and cultural systems, their historical memory and their ancestral knowledge, reinforcing the bonds of solidarity and mutual support. The union between people and peoples is the only way to face the global crisis that brings only death and destruction.
From Madrid, capital of the Spanish State, we make an appeal to generate a real awareness. Remember the phrase: A people without memory is a people without a future. It is not possible to erase history or eliminate the ravages caused by colonization. However, it is possible to establish new views and analyzes on this historical moment, to support social justice and reparation for the damages caused, especially to prevent the repetition of the damage.
Those of us who live in Spain, citizens with full rights – regardless of our origin – we cannot continue accepting a celebration that was built on a reality of destruction and death. It is urgent that the institutions of the Spanish State and the peoples that make up this territory, assume our responsibility, for justice and for dignity.
We demand that the Spanish State repeal Law 18/1987, which establishes that the day of the National Holiday of Spain is October 12, because it reinforces the colonial, racist and military imagery interwoven in the social and political structures of Spain.
It is important that we continue to work on overcoming the current global political-economic system, which is based on colonization and the inequalities it generates. In this sense, we invite all people, groups, associations and institutions to participate in this active process of resignification on October 12, in defense of the original peoples and Mother Earth, Abya Ayala, Pachamama, Ñuke Mapu …
October 12 °. Nothing to celebrate! For those who defend the Earth and Human Rights Individuals, assemblies, groups and organizations that wish to adhere to the manifesto can sign here or write to plazadelospueblos@gmail.com
If you want more information and to participate in dialogues about Decolonization, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/1096632613738967/
Current accessions:
Asamblea Plaza de los Pueblos 15M
Asamblea Preparatoria del ArtEvento Descolonicémonos 12 de Octubre Nada que Celebrar
Asociación Cultural Brasileña Maloka
Paraguay Resiste en Madrid y Barcelona
Asociación Integrando
Coordinación de Apoyo al Pueblo Mapuche – Trawunche Madrid
Amigos de la Tierra
Movimiento Tierra y Libertad Madrid
Plataforma de Solidaridad con los Pueblos del Mediterráneo
Asociación Marroquí de Derechos Humanos
Feminismo Comunitario de Abya Yala Tejido España
Movimiento de Mujeres Palestinas Alkarama
Asociación Arena
Asociación ecuatoriana ” Y A S U N Í ” – Valencia
Revista La Comuna
Asociación de Mujeres de Guatemala AMG
Observatorio Ético Internacional – OBETI
Asociación Iraní por los Derechos Humanos de España
América Latina Soberana
Comunidad hondureña en Madrid
Marea Granate
Asociación Cultural y Social Puentes No Muros
Espacio Ayllu / Migrantes transgerorxs (Reino de España)
Izquierda Castellana
Colectivo Trawun
Asociación Si amb Nosaltres
Yayoflautas Madrid
Madrid Solidaria con Palestina
Tierra y Culturas, ONG
Latinoamericanxs OSP
Peruanxs en Madrid
Movimiento de Acción Política Antirracista MAPA 12N
Migrantes Transgresorxs
Rojava Azadi
Coletivo pelos Direitos no Beasil (Madrid)
Asamblea 15M Villa de Vallecas
Colectivo 26 de Julio
Asociación Pablo de la Torriente Brau de Alcobendas-San Sebastian de los Reyes
Partido Comunista de Madrid
Movimiento de Solidaridad con Venezuela de Madrid
Plataforma de Solidaridad con Nicaragua y el FSLN
Colectivo Sociocultural Soledad Barrett
Asamblea de Solidaridad con México (País Valencià)
SOS NATURA (Marina Alta, Alicante)
Asociación Galego-Bolivariana Hugo Chávez
Asociación Canaria Siembra
Alternativa Nacionalista Canaria
Intersindical Canaria
Amigos de la Tierra América Latina y el Caribe -ATALC
Colectivo Memoria PUC
Organización de Mujeres Campesinas e Indígenas Conamuri
La Casa del Costurero de Sueños Emancipatorios Eulogio Paredes
Red de Colectivos La Araña Feminista
Women in culture
Grupo de trabajo Terra Corpi Territori & Spazi Urbani, Non Una di Meno, Italia
Red Mapuche Suiza
That’s right