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- Grupos de Trabajo
- G_Apoyo a Mineros
- G_auditoria de la deuda
- G_cultura
- Desempleados, autoempleo y cooperativas
- tribunal ciudadano de justicia
- Gt_mayoresdel15m
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- Gt_mayoresdel15m
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- Gt_toma el sistema
- G_Madrid Mayo 2012
- G_medioambiente
- G_No violencia
- G_Asamblea antirepresiva
- G_artes
- Toma el Orgullo
Encuentros/Movilizaciones internacionales
https://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions (si falta algo añadir directamente en el pad) 13-14 Sept CADTM summer meeting on illegitimate debt, Namur http://cadtm.org/Il-est-encore-temps-de-vous 25 sep Launch of European Citizens Initiative on TTIP and CETA http://stop-ttip.org/ 25 & 26 september Alter Summit assembly in Brussels sebastian@altersummit.eu 26-27 Sept Blockupy open assembly, Brussels http://blockupy.org/ http://blockupy.org/en/3866/blockupy-international-invites-european-movements-networks-organisations-to-an-open-assembly-in-brussels-september-26-27/ 1-5 Oct Sabir Festival, Lampedusa http://festivalsabirlampedusa.it/ […]
¿Una asamblea abierta y horizontal durante el Alter Summit de Atenas?
Hello Squares, Maybe some of you know the big event that is being organized in Athens 7-8 of June, the Alter Summit www.altersummit.eu This effort is trying to build a big alliance of European trade unions, civil society organizations and social movements in order to create a counter-power that confronts the neoliberal Europe. Despite of […]