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- Grupos de Trabajo
- G_Apoyo a Mineros
- G_auditoria de la deuda
- G_cultura
- Desempleados, autoempleo y cooperativas
- tribunal ciudadano de justicia
- Gt_mayoresdel15m
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- Gt_mayoresdel15m
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- Gt_toma el sistema
- G_Madrid Mayo 2012
- G_medioambiente
- G_No violencia
- G_Asamblea antirepresiva
- G_artes
- Toma el Orgullo
Release of detainees in the event of May 15, 2011
Vegan Press detainees the demonstration of May 15, 2011 Assembly of the exhibition held from May 15 With this release we show how we addressed the national police and that people know what the attitude of these people, blinded by power. We write these lines to express how we feel about what happened. We are […]